Media & TV

Bonusquote: Jordan Peterson sloopt drammende SJW-UvA-millennials, met feiten, hij wél

27-10-2018 18:05

Jordan Peterson. CC-foto: Gage Skidmore. Via Flickr. Bijgesneden door TPO.

“So, to the self-proclaimed ‘Worried Amsterdammers’ – really, a tiny minority proclaiming themselves, per usual, as representatives of an entire community – we’ll see you at the University, despite my misgivings and the undoubtedly painful experience that will no doubt await me there. If I was primarily concerned with ease of life (and could control my obsessive curiosity) I would avoid it completely, but there is no bloody way I am going to allow your ill-informed faux-virtuous pathological compassion, and effortless careless indications of your purported moral, intellectual, scientific and academic superiority to stop me from talking to three hundred of your students. You’d just claim that withdrawal as a victory, when it would in fact be a consequence of sheer boredom with your antics (mixed with no small leaven of disgust at the same).

And if you find someone who wants to oppose me, and who wants to speak, I honestly don’t give a damn. I firmly believe that if you had any ability and any courage you would host your own event. That’s what honorable people would do. But you can have it your way. But, for your own good, you’d better be a lot more prepared than you appear to be, by the evidence of your written objection to my appearance. I can’t see from that any evidence you know what you are opposing or why you’re opposing it.

Unless, of course, the plan is merely to “protest” and to behave as dreadfully as your compatriots at other universities where I have been “invited to speak,” so that you can conveniently and effortlessly sidestep the necessity of directly confronting my ideas, presented in person.

And, for those who are interested, here is the list of the signees, to whom I might suggest taking the time to actual investigate those whom they so eagerly and self-righteously denounce instead of allowing themselves to be swayed and then convinced by the ill-informed, casual and ideologically-proper scribblings of the unfortunately common clickbait purveyors now so often and so falsely known as journalists. See you in Amsterdam, you cowards, denouncers and totalitarian wannabes.”

Laffe, linkse, agressieve, communistische, hatelijke, radicale SJW-UvA-millennials en fopwetenschappers: 0.

Jordan Peterson: 1.

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