
De gevolgen van de recente bezuinigingen in de VS

20-05-2014 11:14

Good morning.  Interesting shift in college choice in the US: the death of education…


The consequence of the recent spending cuts by the Federal government


“Canines’ Cancer-Sniffing Snouts Showing 90%-Plus Accuracy” !!


Very cool insight in the voting matches of the various ‘populist’ parties in the European parliament: UKIP and PVV are a closer match than UKIP would want…


Given that bond yields have been dropping for over thirty years, this chart does not surprise me


For a second, I thought Rogoff had actually explored the pro’s and cons of bitcoin… But no: “Costs and benefits to phasing out paper currency”


Interesting chart on the age distribution of the US

millennial population chart without stupid typo 


Following Nigeria’s GDP-revision, this can hardly come as a shock: “Africa’s GDP is vastly understated”


And yet another interesting chart on financial markets! How equities fare compared to bonds

citi stocks bonds


…and talking about financial markets, here’s another one: if you believe this, cash is standing on the sideline


The growth of the investment grade bond market in the US versus Europe

US IG bond market growing faster than European market 


Drought in the US. Serious business. 

The how-harmful-is-the-drugs-you-are-taking checklist. Coffee it is!!


Cool pictures from a time long ago…


Lukas Daalder is in het verleden wel eens als ‘Nederlands best bewaarde geheim’ op het gebied van economie genoemd. Hij publiceert dagelijks een collectie met grafieken, nieuws en informatie over internationale economie en financiële markten. Het aardige is dat je zijn updates in minder dan een minuut gelezen kan hebben, maar dat er tegelijkertijd voldoende stof tot nadenken tussen staat. Lukas is het hoofd van de afdeling Global Allocations en is tevens portfolio manager bij Robeco. Alle meningen in zijn updates zijn op persoonlijke titel.

Disclaimer: All links provided are collected from public websites, unless otherwise specified. I have not checked the data or information for accuracy used, and therefore do not guarantee that all data provided will be 100% correct. The links provided do not necessarily reflect my personal opinion and should be seen as general interest: oftentimes I do not agree with arguments presented, but nevertheless think it is worthwhile to read them. It is up to the reader to make up their own mind. Suggestions or discussions are more than welcome. Do not quote unless specifically cleared beforehand!


Alle edities? Hier.