
Hezbollah is de grootste bedreiging voor Libanon, niet Israël

19-10-2012 17:03

Anders dan historicus en PvdA-Lijstduwer Maarten van Rossem Nederland wil doen geloven is Hezbollah de grootste bedreiging voor Libanon en daarmee het Midden-Oosten.

Natuurlijk zijn de Israëliërs geen lieverdjes en al dragen zij hun steentje bij aan de destabilisering van Libanon, het valt echter in het niet bij wat de Palestijnen in Libanon doen en het is kleuterschoolwerk vergeleken met wat Hezbollah doet qua destabilisering van de natiestaat Libanon.

Hezbollah dat onderdeel uitmaakt van het Libanese politieke systeem en vanuit die positie de democratie uitholt met tegenwerking en intimidatie. Hezbollah dat beter bewapend is dan vele andere legers waar ook ter wereld. Hezbollah beweegt alleen wanneer de orders uit Teheran komen.

De secretaris-generaal van de Verenigde Naties, Ban Ki-moon doet er zijn zegje over in de terugkerende evaluatie (PDF) over Libanon.

6. On 16 September, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Ali Jafari, stated publicly that members of the elite Quds Force were present in Lebanon as advisers. The President and the Government of Lebanon have requested immediate clarifications from the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Shortly thereafter, the Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran denied the statement attributed to the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

Natuurlijk ontkent Iran, maar het is publiek geheim dat leden van de Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde zich permanent in Libanon bevinden.  De oorzaak in punt 6 heeft een gevolg in punt 7

7. On 11 October, the Secretary-General of Hizbullah confirmed publicly that his party had launched an Iranian-built drone, assembled in Lebanon, to Israel for a reconnaissance mission. The Israeli Air Force shot it down on 6 October over southern Israel.

50. As Lebanon lacks an indigenous arms manufacturing capability, I call upon the Government of Lebanon and the Lebanese Armed forces to take all the necessary measures to prohibit Hizbullah from acquiring weapons and build para-military capacities outside the authority of the State in violation of resolution 1559 (2004) and in so far as resolution 1747 (2006) is concerned. As Hizbullah maintains close ties with a number of regional states, in particular with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Iran-Syrië-Libanon. De kabel van het Midden-Oosten
De destabiliserende rol van Hezbollah wordt als volgt door de secretaris-generaal van de VN weergegeven:

30. In its resolution 1559 (2004), the Security Council calls for the disarming and disbanding of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias. This key remaining provision of the resolution is yet to be implemented. It merely reflects and re-affirms a decision that all Lebanese committed themselves to in the Taif Accord in 1989, in the aftermath of the civil war. This agreement led at the time to Lebanese militias – with the exception of Hizbullah – giving up their weapons. This agreement must be preserved and implemented by all in order to avoid the spectre of a renewed confrontation amongst the Lebanese.

32. I have repeatedly expressed my deep concern to Lebanese leaders about the serious risks that the continued existence of these militias poses to the stability of the country and the region. I urged them to address this matter without further delay, as it is their obligation under Security Council resolution 1559 (2004). Nonetheless, the leadership of Hizbullah acknowledges that it maintains a substantial military arsenal separate from that of the State, claiming it serves defensive purposes against Israel. In public pronouncements, the leadership of Hizbullah stated that it has upgraded the strength of its military capabilities and will seek to continue to do so. This is in blatant defiance of resolution 1559 (2004). Hizbullah is also a Lebanese political party. Israeli officials have argued that, given the participation of Hizbullah in the Lebanese government, Israel would consider reacting to any Hizbullah attack on Israel with retaliation on the Lebanese state.

Een terechte conclusie van Israël. Bij de vorige agressie van Hezbollah werd Libanon in haar geheel aangepakt. Onderdeel van de regering is onderdeel van de soevereine natiestaat. Dat Libanon te slap is om zich te ontdoen van Hezbollah, dat heeft Libanon zichzelf toegelaten.

33. On 3 October at least three Hizbullah militants were killed and several other people wounded as a result of explosions at an ammunition  depot in the Bekaa town of Nabi Sheet. Immediately after the explosion, Hizbullah militants cordoned off the area. That incident was a stark reminder of the risk posed by the presence of ammunition held by non-State actors, particularly in densely populated area. Following this incident, members of the Lebanese opposition reiterated their call for the urgent need to resolve the issue of Hizbullah’s weapons.

De lijst met door Hezbollah begane misdaden gaat nog even door in het rapport van de secretaris-generaal. Hezbollah wordt 31 keer genoemd. Israël 18 keer en Palestijnen 27 keer.

Vrede in het Midden-Oosten komt een gigantische stap dichterbij wanneer de kabel Hezbollah-Syrië-Iran wordt gekapt. Er zijn er velen die automatisch naar Israël wijzen als dé agressor in het Midden-Oosten, dat is de Pavlov-reactie van de onwetende.