
Turkije eist excuses, dreigt met ‘verdere maatregelen’, officiele reactie premier Binali Yildirim

12-03-2017 12:07

Turkije zal maatregelen blijven nemen tegen Nederland tot excuses worden aangeboden. Dat zei de Turkse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Mevlüt Çavusoglu zondag.

De bewindsman zei ook dat excuses alleen niet voldoende zijn. Het optreden van de Nederlandse autoriteiten zal volgens Çavusoglu in elk geval consequenties hebben. De minister vroeg zich ook af of Europa de “fascistische handelingen” van Nederland zal veroordelen.


Google-Translate vertaling uit Turkse courant Hürriyet:


Prime Minister Binali Yildirim’s written statement as follows:

Betül Sayan, the Minister of Family and Social Policies, who went to Germany for the purpose of informing the public on April 16, wanted to meet with our citizens who had passed on to their studies in the following years but the Dutch police did not allow our Ministers to come together with our citizens. Thus leading to a major diplomatic scandal that is known to the public throughout the day.

This has been strongly protested by us, and our Dutch counterparts have been said to be the most severe of them. Despite the diplomatic contacts made at various levels, a reasonable solution has not been provided and the Minister has to leave the Netherlands without meeting the planned meeting.

Our so-called European friends, who talk about democracy, freedom of expression and human rights at every opportunity, have once again remained in the class in the face of this event.

We must know that our holy nationality will respond to this unacceptable treatment against Turkey and diplomatic immunities ministers.

I want our citizens living in Holland, Germany and Europe to act with common sense, never to honor the incitements.

The best answer to these dissonances and fascist practices should be on the 16th of April.

These and similar events will help us to better understand our true friends and enemies, which will further strengthen our unity and our co-existence as a nation.

Yıldırım emphasized that the Netherlands is experiencing internal political problems: “There are elections to be held on the 14th of the month. Because of these elections, we think that the situation we are experiencing today is a result of Holland’s entire domestic politics, but whatever the circumstances, we can not accept it in any way.”


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