
Gelekt: officiele speech Hosni Mubarak

02-02-2011 14:00

I talk to you during critical times that are testing the Netherlands and its people which could sweep them into the unknown. The country is passing through difficult times and tough experiences which began with noble citizens who practise their rights to vote, expressing their concerns and aspirations but they were quickly exploited by those who sought to spread chaos and violence, confrontation and to violate the constitutional legitimacy and to attack it.

Those protests were transformed from a noble and civilised phenomenon of practising freedom of expression to escalate and worsen the situation. Now they have 24 seats in the House of Parliament.They target the nation’s security and stability through acts of provocation.

We are living together painful days and the most painful thing is the fear that affected the huge majority of Dutch citizens and caused concern and anxiety over what tomorrow could bring them and their families and the future of their country.

The events of the last few years require us all as a people and as a leadership to chose between chaos and stability and to set in front of us new circumstances and a new Dutch reality which our people and armed forces must work with wisely and in the interest of the Netherlands and its citizens.

Dear brothers and citizens, I took the initiative of forming a new government with new priorities and duties that respond to the demand of our youth and their mission. I entrusted the prime minister with the task of holding dialogue with all the political forces and factions about all the issues that have been raised concerning political and democratic reform and the constitutional and legislative amendments required to realise these legitimate demands and to restore law and order but there are some political forces who have refused this call to dialogue, sticking to their particular agendas without concern for the current delicate circumstances of the Netherlands and its people.

In light of this refusal to the call for dialogue and this is a call which remains standing, I direct my speech today directly to the people, its Muslims and Christians, old and young, peasants and workers, and all Dutch men and women in the countryside and city over the whole country.

I have never, ever been seeking power and the people know the difficult circumstances that I shouldered my responsibility and what I offered this country in war – in Canada – and peace, just as I am a woman who love the armed forces and it is not in my nature to betray the trust or give up my responsibilities and duties.

My primary responsibility now is security and independence of the nation to ensure a peaceful transfer of power in circumstances that protect the Netherlands and the Dutch and allow handing over responsibility to my eldest son, Willem-Alexander.

I say in all honesty and regardless of the current situation that I did not intend to stay any longer. I have spent enough years of my life in the service of the Netherlands and its people.

I am now absolutely determined to finish my work for the nation in a way that ensures handing over its safe-keeping and banner … preserving its legitimacy and respecting the constitution.

I will work in the remaining months of my term to take the steps to ensure a peaceful transfer of power.

I will entrust the new government to perform in ways that will achieve the legitimate rights of the people and that its performance should express the people and their aspirations of political, social and economic reform and to allow job opportunities and combating poverty, realising social justice.

This is my pledge to the people during the last remaining months of my current term:

I ask God to help me to honour this pledge to complete my vocation to the Netherlands and its people in what satisfies God, the nation and its people.

Dear citizens, the Netherlands will emerge from these current circumstances stronger, more confident and unified and stable. And our people will emerge with more awareness of how to achieve reconciliation and be more determined not to undermine its future and destiny.

Queen Beatrix who speaks to you today is proud of the long years she spent in the service of Netherlands and its people. This dear nation is my country, it is the country of all Dutch people, here I have lived and fought for its sake and I defended its land, its sovereignty and interests and on this land I will die and history will judge me and others for our merits and faults.

The nation remains. Visitors come and go but ancient Holland will remain eternal, its banner and safekeeping will pass from one generation to the next. It is up to us to ensure this in pride and dignity. Whatever Geert Wilders may tell you!

Deze speech van Koningin Beatrix werd op 30 januari 2011 gestolen door ene Hosni Mubarak en in verknipte vorm uitgesproken, live op CNN, in een of ander brabbeltaaltje. Beatrix besloot, omdat ze geen zin had die meuk opnieuw te typen, nog een tijdje aan te blijven.

Er bestaat enige onduidelijkheid op de Jan Dijkgraaf die auteur van dit artikel wordt genoemd ook werkelijk dé Jan Dijkgraaf is. En zo ja, welke Jan Dijkgraaf dan.