Democraat Barney Frank (72) was het eerste Amerikaanse Congreslid dat uit de kast kwam. Al in 1987. Dit weekend is hij dan eindelijk getrouwd met zijn partner Jim Ready (42). President Obama was niet helemaal welkom, want zo’n Secret Service is toch niet gezellig op de mooiste dag van je leven. De plechtigheid vond plaats in besloten kring en werd voorgegaan door de Gouverneur van Massachusetts, Deval Patrick. Licht hilarische plechtigheid overigens, blijkt wel uit de trouwgeloften die rondgestuurd werden door het kantoor van Frank:
Governor Deval Patrick
The Celebration and Blessing of the Marriage of Barney Frank and Jim
Ready, 7 July 2012
Officiant, facing the people and the persons to be married, with the couple before him, addresses the people and says
Beloved family and friends: We have come together to witness and bless the joining together of BARNEY and JIM in marriage.
As you might imagine, at the request of the Congressman, this service will be short and to the point. But there are certain formailities that even a senior member of Congress must observe. The first is this question.
I ask you both that, if either of you know any reason why you may not be united in marriage lawfully, you do now confess it.
The Declaration of Consent
Do you promise to love each other and be each other’s best friend,
In sickness and in health,
In Congress or in retirement,
Whether the surf is up or the surf’s flat,
For richer or for poorer,
Under the Democrats or the Republicans,
Whether the slopes are powdery or icy,
Whether the book reviews are good or bad,
For better or for worse,
On MSNBC or on Fox,
For as long as you both shall live.
Barney and Jim answer: We do.
Barney places the ring on Jim’s ring-finger and says
JIM, I give you this ring — as a symbol of my love and dedication — and pledge my love now and always.
Jim places the ring on Barney’s ring-finger and says
BARNEY, I give you this ring — as a symbol of my love and dedication — and pledge my love now and always.
Officiant offers or introduces a prayer and blessing:
Let us all pray:
Heavenly Father, thank you for this day and this joy.
Grant to BARNEY and JIM long life, good health, wisdom, patience, kindness, understanding, laughter, and loving family and friends.
And may their days together be good and long upon earth.
The Pronouncement
Then the Officiant joins the right hands of the couple and says
Now that BARNEY AND JIM have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings, by the power vested in me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I pronounce that they are married.
Those so joined together, let no one put asunder.
Barney Frank zal zich aan het eind van zijn termijn als Afgevaardigde voor Massachusetts niet nog een keer verkiesbaar stellen. Maar hij vond het wel belangrijk dat Amerikaanse parlementariërs marriage equality van dichtbij zouden zien. “I do think, to be honest, if I was running for reelection, I might have tried to put the marriage off until after the election, because it just becomes a complication. But I did want to get married while I was still in office. I think it’s important that my colleagues interact with a married gay man”, aldus Frank.
cc foto: Fotique