Einsteins sleutel tot oneindig leren

21-02-2014 13:00

In 1915, toen Einstein 36 jaar oud was, woonde hij op zichzelf in Berlijn. Zijn ex-vrouw, Mileva, en zijn twee kinderen, Hans Albert Einstein en Eduard Tete Einstein, woonden nog samen in Wenen. Op 4 november dat jaar, toen hij de twee pagina’s schreef die van hem een wereldberoemde wetenschapper zouden maken, schreef hij ook zijn elf jaar oude zoon Hans een brief.

In die brief vertelt Einstein zijn zoon over intellectuele uitdagingen en het patroon van creatief denken, de elementen die hij zag als de sleutel tot het het oneindige leren en weten. Meer briljante brieven van wereldberoemde ouders aan hun kinderen zijn te vinden in het boek Posterity

My dear Albert,

Yesterday I received your dear letter and was very happy with it. I was already afraid you wouldn’t write to me at all any more. You told me when I was in Zurich, that it is awkward for you when I come to Zurich. Therefore I think it is better if we get together in a different place, where nobody will interfere with our comfort. I will in any case urge that each year we spend a whole month together, so that you see that you have a father who is fond of you and who loves you. You can also learn many good and beautiful things from me, something another cannot as easily offer you. What I have achieved through such a lot of strenuous work shall not only be there for strangers but especially for my own boys. These days I have completed one of the most beautiful works of my life, when you are bigger, I will tell you about it.

I am very pleased that you find joy with the piano. This and carpentry are in my opinion for your age the best pursuits, better even than school. Because those are things which fit a young person such as you very well. Mainly play the things on the piano which please you, even if the teacher does not assign those. That is the way to learn the most, that when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes. I am sometimes so wrapped up in my work that I forget about the noon meal. . . .

Be with Tete kissed by your


Regards to Mama.