
Bonusquote: Frans Timmermans geeft Nigel Farage gelijk

01-07-2015 20:12


“Nigel Farage is ‘right too often’ about European Union failings”

“I get terribly annoyed when he’s right. And on some issues he is right too often. If he criticises the EU for not having a migration policy that is effective he is right. He is absolutely, completely wrong with his solutions. But to start criticising the EU for not dealing in the right way with the migration crisis is right.”


Het staat er echt, zwart op wit: uw eigenste Frans Timmermans (PvdA), één van de machtigste mannen in Brussel, geeft Ukip-voorman Nigel Farage he-le-maal gelijk. Voorzover Farage het heeft over falen van de Europese Unie that is. Uitgebreide story in The Telegraph.