
LOLLOL 20 mei: UU genderinclusief, WOW!-signal the return, Elon Musk destroyer of woke

20-05-2022 20:15

Vrouw monocle

De Lekker Online Lezen, Laat Ons Linken (LOLLOL) van vrijdag 20 mei 2022. Aanvullingen en overige linktips aub via [email protected]. Happy clicking!


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“If expressing an unpopular opinion is an invitation to have your personal life turned inside out looking for damaging evidence, how many people are going to be willing to speak out?

“With the firing of Professor Katz, Princeton will have sent a message. If a faculty member or student says something that contradicts our orthodoxy, we will get you—if not for what you said, then by twisting your language, by using the extensive resources of the university to shame you before the student body, and by investigating your personal life for years past.”

Wall Street Journal

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