
LOLLOL 30 mei – Slaaf Halsema, Limburgse woke-terreur, masturberen met katheter, dwergooruil

30-05-2022 17:38

Vrouw met bril

De Lekker Online Lezen, Laat Ons Linken (LOLLOL) van woensdag 11 mei 2022. Aanvullingen en overige linktips aub via [email protected]Happy clicking!


Femke Halsema moet ‘slaafspel’ spelen in Suriname: ‘Disneyficatie van slavernijverleden’

Woke-terreur op Universiteit Maastricht over ‘mensen die menstrueren’

Campagne ‘choose skills, not knives’ moet messenbezit jongeren tegengaan

‘2000 Mules’, a big lie in a new package

Virtuele vrouw virtueel verkracht in virtueel metaverse


Links bolwerk Harvard

‘Met een katheter denkt hij niet meer te kunnen masturberen’

Klimaatwappie pleegt aanslag op Mona Lisa


‘Ik dacht dat alle christenen pas na hun trouwdag seks hadden’

Doomed Doomsdayplane

257 gevalletjes apenpokken

Verstopt Melkwegstelsel gevonden


Hepatitis A verspreidende horroraardbeien

Man van Nancy Pelosi zat bezopen achter stuur

POTUS Joe Biden wil massamoordschool in Texas platgooien


“I’m not surprised so many of you seem to feel anxious and guilt-ridden. It’s as my generation has resurrected the doctrine of original sin—except that we’re asking you to expiate for our sins, too.

Perhaps that’s partly why, if you don’t mind me saying, quite a lot of you seem to be living in a rather dramatic moral universe: one where you feel you must be constantly sorting people into unredeemable villains or unimpeachable saints, and not sparing yourselves in the process. I think it might bring you some relief to ditch the inherited guilt. In my experience, feeling guilty for things you haven’t done tends to make you miserable, ineffective, and, ironically, less able to face up to your real faults with honesty and accountability. I’m not saying to act poorly, of course, but maybe not everything in life should be approached with the moral weight of Sophie’s Choice.

You might also consider taking a week or two off from all that endless disapproving and approving. Maybe even a whole year! Have some utterly meaningless fun. Don’t worry about whether it’s the right thing to do—you don’t need to justify it as “self-care” or “anti-work” or otherwise explain to yourself why it’s an optimal use of your time when you could be doing something else. Just enjoy yourself, for itself. Not everything in life is about right and wrong. Which I know sounds rich coming from a former teacher of ethics, but I still think it’s true.”

Philosophy professor Kathleen Stock in Substack Bari Weiss



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